Dear rose color curious, Yes, it is indeed true that each rose color has its own unique meaning. This presents a great opportunity to send a message along with your thoughtful gift. Here are the color meanings: Red rose red roses this one is the most obvious. It means "i love you." it represents romance and love. Deep pink This simply means "thank you". If someone you know does something nice for you, a deep pink rose is a good way of saying "thank you". Regular pink A pink rose represents happiness. It's great to give a pink rose to a partner to say, "i'm very happy with our relationship." Light pink A light pink rose means "sympathy". When someone has had a loss then light pink roses is a very nice way of expressing your condolences. White rose A white rose symbolizes innocence and purity. When combined with red roses (see further down), it represents "unity". Yellow rose A yellow rose symbolizes friendship and caring. It's the perfect innocent gift to give to a friend or give to a loved one when you simply want to say "i care". When given to a friend it also means "i'm happy with our friendship." Lavender rose A lavender rose is a symbol of "falling in love". When you give it to a person you are saying "i have fallen in love with you and am enchanted by you." Orange rose An orange rose is a symbol of desire. "i desire you" or "i desire to get to know you better" is the message that orange roses send. Black rose Never ever give a woman a black rose or red roses, because hollywood has, unfortunately, made out the meaning to be "death". These aren't easy to find and some maintain that they don't actually "exist"
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