Tips For Enjoying Your Massage Therapist

A massage is supposed to be a soothing, relaxing experience. So why do so many people arrive at 1:30 for a 1:30 massage? You should be in your robe already! And if you arrive late, in a frenzied state, you might as well have not come. Get there early is the most important tip for enjoying your massage. But there are plenty more. (hint -- don't eat a big sausage sub right before you get there, and be sure to speak up if you don't like the pressure.

Here are some tips adapted from the american massage therapy association to help you enjoy your massage.
* be receptive. Don't eat just before a massage session with massage girl.
* be on time. If you arrive in a frenzied, rushed state, it will take longer to relax.
* if you don't want to remove all your clothing, discuss it with the therapist. Wear what you will be comfortable in that will allow the therapist or massage girl to work on the areas of your body that need it.
* good communication is very important. Before the session, give accurate health information and let the massage therapist know what you want from the massage. During the massage session, speak up if you have any feedback on the amount of pressure, speed of movement, room temperature, music volume, or lighting.
* some people like to talk during a massage session, while others remain silent. In general you should do whatever you feel like, and the massage therapist will follow your lead.
* breathing helps to facilitate relaxation. People often stop breathing when they feel anxious or a sensitive area is massaged. If you realize this is happening, remind yourself to breath.
* try not to tighten up during the massage. Let your massage therapist know if this is happening. They may need to adjust the massage technique being used. They may also be able to help you relax the affected area


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